Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Lebowski Cards From Beardy

I got home from work today to find another surprise from out in the wide ether. Three new submissions to our Big Lebowski Card Fest from Beardy (AKA Grep Pipitone). If I'm not mistaken I've seen Greg's name pop up occasionally in the comments sections of some of the blogs.

Beardy is definately not a faqin amateur.

Here are his submissions:

1960 Topps The Dude

1955 Bowman Maude Lebowski (In a scene from Gutterballs)

Richard Nixon patch card

You might recognize the former President from the poster above the Dude's mantle.


Thanks Beardy.

Keep 'em coming everyone.

Maybe I'll figure out some kind of numbering system, but not today.


  1. thanks for posting them. i've got a few more if you'd like me to send em over.

  2. Definately. Your cards are great and, as you know, the supreme court has roundly rejected prior restraint.

  3. They're all excellent, but that Richard Nixon relic is outstanding.

  4. I'm amazed at the awesomeness of the cards coming out of this project! Love the wallpaper relic.

  5. I am so glade to visit your blog its nice gift and so much cute also tanks for sharing
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