Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beardy's Got A Brand New Blog!

An awesome new blog has been started. Beardy, the Big Lebowski Card Fest All Star, has finally decided to share his considerable talents with us in an official forum forged from nothing straight out of the ether...otherwise known as blogspot.

I mean, for Pete's sake, look at his banner! Look at that and tell me you don't want to read that crazy bastard's blog!

Beardy is an Orioles fan and an occasional Canadian sympathizer. He's a talented graphic designer and a reportedly lazy man. I can't say for sure but I've heard he may have a 6th toe on his left foot. He can run like the wind and jump extremely high when called upon to do so, although those instances are few and far between.

I'm pretty sure he has a beard.

OK, I've done inerduced him enough.

I'll just share with you a few of the highlights from his many contributions to the Big Lebowski set (that I've been threatening to actually get organized for about a month now).

One thing I know for sure, Beardy's blog will be great. Add him to your blog lists and leave him comments. Let's rope him in and get him hooked before he realizes that this takes up way too much time to justify.

Welcome to the Blog thingy whatever you call it.

Edit: Here's that link. I don't know how I forgot it. I put it at the top too.


  1. How crap! How did I forget that? Sorry.


  2. thanks for the support dude. the only thing i have to worry about now is finding stuff to write about.

  3. totally un-related, but i noticed the "opinionated beer page" link. have you checked out if you sign up, i'm beardy3344. we can be beer buddies.
