Friday, April 10, 2009

TBL Card Fest: More good times.

I know we haven't posted any for over a week but The Big Lebowski set is still going strong, only a little slower. I've got three more cards for you.

The first is another submission from Punk Rock Paint. As a little side note, Mr. Paint himself sent me an email of his word verification on one of the previous TBL posts. It happened to be "Lebow". So you see, this thing really is coming together. It's like God is on our side.

Here's his card submission:

Modestly Priced Receptacle (Donny) #02 Upper Deck

This is a much improved version that got posted on Travis' blog at about the same time as I posted my submission of Donny post MI. I love the Then Now aspect. Donny used to drink at the bar. Now he's transported in this receptacle which is very modestly priced.

And I thought I was so clever. I guess great minds think alike. Some are just more creative than others. And that's cool...that's cool.

Here is a submission from a blog that is new to me, Into Left Field. I'm always stoked when a new blogger wants to contribute to the cause.

Dude #09 1972 Topps

This card is just awesome. The Dude is definitely not having a good time here. It somehow goes perfect with the 72 Topps card. Not sure why. It just does.

Here is my latest creation:

Woo #01 1992 Pinnacle

It's funny, we have about 65 cards for the set now and this is the first Woo (by himself anyway). He's the guy that arguably set the whole crazy ride in motion. I figured he deserved his own card.

That's all for now.