Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Listen To Your Friend Billy Zane

It's a Turk Off.

It's probably the most buzzed about, highly anticipated event to hit the interwebs since Paris Hilton "accidentally" released her last sex tape. Or, maybe that baby panda sneezed. It doesn't matter, the point is it's very highly anticipated. For those of you who have been living in a cave and haven't been watching the news, Entertainment Tonight, TMZ, or The Hills; here's what's going on.

It's a Turk Off between Me and Beardy. We both have a box of 2007 Turkey Red and now it's a battle to the death on who's box is better. I served Beardy and he served me right back so now "It's On" and some one's about to get Effed in the A.

I have yet to hear what the Vegas odds are, but I'm probably a solid favorite. I should be anyway.

We are going Skins style pack against pack. Whoever wins the most packs wins the whole thing. Here is a breakdown of how the packs will be scored:

0 base card
+1 Indian or Oriole
-1 Yankee
+7 Cabinet
+20 Cabinet Dick Perez Auto
+3 Chrome
+5 Chrome Refractor
+10 Chrome Black Refractor
+15 Chromograph
+10 Relic
+5 President
+20 Silk
+8 for a SP

x2 If any of those pulls are Indians or Orioles
x3 If any are major stars like Pujols (we're still working on the "major stars" list)
x0.5 If it's a Yankee
x7 If it's Markakis or Sizemore
-3 points if we pull Kenji Johjima (for no apparent reason)
-3 points if we pull JD Drew, Kelvin Jiminez, Eric Chavez, and Don Kelly also.

If there is a tie we will probably do some kind of poll. I thought of suggesting that maybe Dayf should decide ( or at least a panel of Dayf, Dubbs, and Night Owl) but I figured that Beardy would shoot that idea down in some sort of jealous rage at the sight of Dayf's glorious beard.

It should begging some time tomorrow.

Winner gets an auto or box of something. Beardy has suggested 92 Leaf Studio or Stadium Club. I'd go for the Studio first. That product has a sweet Alex Cole card.

There's still a few details to hammer out.

This should be sweet.

Beardy's going down man, sir.

By the way, did Beardy come through with that banner or what? That thing is sweet.

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