Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gint-A-Cuffs: The Hits

Here are the 3 box hits. All totalled up they netted me 5 points. That's almost impossible.

I just thought that these 3 ridiculous hits desrved to be preseved in one place. A place where people can come to pay homage to the worst Gint-A-Cuffs box in the history of man.

People will leave comments just to be a part of it. Future generations will point to this post and tell their friends "My dad was there. He witnessed the whole thing and lived to tell the tale". Kids will use this post for show and tell.

Wars will be waged and peace will be accomplished, all due to this box, and this post.

There has truly never been anything like it.


AGR-JW Jered Weaver Relic -5

AGA-BY Brock Yates Auto +15

AGR-CP Corey Patterson Relic -5

Dry your eyes. We will carry on.




  1. I think this is where someone breaks out a guitar and we all sit around a camp fire singing Kumbaya.

  2. There will be legends hereafter told about these hits, and most will only half believe the stories. Incredible.

  3. Yah, pretty crappy hits. But I bet it was fun to rip nonetheless. I'm interested in trading for the Yates auto. Have a few "real baseball player" ginter autos for trade. Would also be interested in trading some base set cards if you are up for it. Shoot me an email: jimswiatko at gmail.
