Well, after much anticipation the moment is at hand. The World Famous Turk Off 2 is officially under way. I will strike the first blow by opening with 4 packs of glorious 2006 Turkey Red.
Wagering is encouraged.
I see Beardy's box of Turkey Red is as big as mine. Now we all get to see how he uses it!
Pack 1:
323 Cliff Floyd
322 Mark Kotsay
573 Bonds On Deck CL
544 Chris Capuano White 5 pts A nice way to start off. I have no idea who Chris Cauano is but he netted me a fiver right off the bat.

569 Jose Guillen Red 2 pts I'd get more excited about this if I didn't already know that there is a Red card in every pack. I still think they look awesome.

561 Livan Hernandez
551 Craig Wilson
516 Luis Gonzalez
Pack Total: 7pts
Pack 2:
614 Hanley Ramirez 2pts Pack 2 starts out nicely with a great rookie card!

579 In The Hole CL
609 Matt Cain
469 Kerry Wood
379 Moises Alou Red 2pts

486 BJ Ryan
474 Lyle Overbay
420 Luis Castillo
Pack Total: 4 pts
Pack 3:
559 Juan Encarnacion
319 Daniel Cabrera 2pts

424 Tom Glavine
442 Jose Lopez
346 Nomar Garciaparra
369 Grady Sizemore 5pts There he is! Now, some of you might not be to excited to see this sweet card...what with all of the "other" pictures of Grady floating around lately. I prefer the turkey red version myself. But, that's just me. No telling what Beardy would prefer. My wife was sure impressed (not with the turkey red).

592 Conor Jackson
494 Jarrod Washburn
Pack Total: 7 pts
Pack 4:
328 Orlando Hudson
537 Alex Rios
456 Rafael Furcal
601 Brian Slocum Red (2x2) = 4pts I prefer Heathcliff myself, but Brian netted me a few extra points so no complaints.

450 Derek Jeter SP (5/2) = 2.5pts My first Yankee, but I can't complain. At least it was an SP and didn't net me negative points.

540 Yadier Molina
527 Cory Sullivan
445 Travis Hafner 2pts I've given up on Travis ever being the masher that he used to be, but I still love him. And we'll always have 2007.

Pack Total: 8.5 pts
Honestly, I have no idea how to judge these packs. My guess is that they are pretty typical for not getting any hits. My best guess is that we'll split the opening 4 packs, although I could get lucky and squeak by with 3. Of course that could just as easily go the other way.
OK Beardman, show me what you got!
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