Susan: But why?
John: Done with fish.
That line absolutely slays me. I’m laughing right now just reading it. When my family gets together, if anyone asks me or my brother why we did something, or didn’t do something, our answer is usually “Done with Fish.” We just get funny looks. Nobody else gets it. We sure crack each other up, though.
The question put forth, however, is not “Why do you like Adaptation” (although that might make a good post), it’s why do you blog. I’ll try to explain it the best I can. A lot of it is probably stuff I’ve brought up from time to time in other posts. Obviously, it ties in with collecting. There isn’t a single one of us that decided to make a card blog that doesn’t collect cards.

Fast forward to may of 2008. My dad tells me to get my junk out of his basement. I found my cards and was inexplicably consumed again. I spent hours resorting and stacking and filing my cards. As I started looking into what was new I was quickly overwhelmed. I had no idea what the heck any of this stuff was. Chrome? Parallel? Refractor? Game Used?
Seriously, what the heck is a refractor? I had no idea (I’m still not sure – other than a card made shiny). So what does anyone do when they want to find something out? They type it into google. So that’s what I did. I found a lot of stuff about refractors, but nothing at all explaining what it actually was.
So, here’s what I did: I emailed Ben Henry. I’m crapping you negative. I actually emailed Ben Henry. When he didn’t respond, it was on to plan B. I had started reading blogs and I noticed that people always leave comments after the posts. I figured that If I started a blog, I could just post questions and hoards of people would fall all over themselves to answer them for me. Yes, I’m that stupid.
Then, a funny thing happened. I found that I enjoyed posting stupid little things about my cards as much as I liked collecting them and the reason I had for blogging changed.
So now I blog because it makes me pay more attention to the cards that I have. I blog because I think I can occasionally be funny and make someone laugh. I blog because as far as I can tell, this is the only little corner of the entire interweb where people actually like each other and are kind. I blog because I don’t know a single person in my real life who collects cards and it gives me a way to talk to other people about the hobby. I blog because I’ve slowly morphed my blog into my own personal home page with every link I will ever need. I blog because when I quote The Big Lebowski here someone is going to get it (usually not the case in real life). I blog because it keeps me interested in collecting.
I really doubt that I would still be collecting if I wasn’t running this blog. I have no idea how long it will last. Judging by past experience, it won’t be gradual. One day I’ll just wake up and that will be that. Fun while it lasted.
I guess you could say that I blog because I’m just not done with fish yet. And, I think that’s the closest I can come to explaining it.
Sorry this is late
Heh, I haven't seen that movie in a while and all I had to see was "Done with fish" and now I'm cracking up like an idiot.
Charlie Kaufman writes WEIRD movies. You had me cracking up too, but at least it's not raining frogs.
Great post.
Going way back to the beginning:
The Goo Goo Dolls are a Buffalo band that I saw when I was in college. Trust me, they didn't sound anything like they do now. They went Hollywood or something. Their songs have sucked for years. But it wasn't like that always.
very much enjoyed this
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