You may remember the plan
It hinged around the awesome Legends Chrome cards that you got in the cereal box packs at Target and Walmart (and Giant Eagle, as it turns out). There are 20 cards in all, 10 for each set. Beckett assured me that these were very valuable cards.

Beckett, after thorough and painstaking research, taking into account all manner of complex mathematical formulas, using some of the worlds most powerful computers to put these formulas and computations through various probability matrixes, carefully studying the results of these repeated tests, and just plain old good common sense, have decided to drop the values of the cards in these sets.
Here are the updated values of these cards:
Walmart set: (silver ones)
1. Ted Williams $25
now $12
2. Jackie Robinson $12
now $8
3. Babe Ruth $20
now $12
4. Honus Wagner $10
now $8
5. Lou Gehrig $12
now $10
6. Nolan Ryan $25
now $15
7. Mickey Mantle $25
now $15
8. Thurman Munson $15
now $8
9. Cal Ripken Jr. $40
now $20
10.George Sisler $8
I guess I should start by saying that I am using the high values for this. There is a lower value column that should be used. But, let's face it, anyone who puts any stock in Beckett value uses the High column.
As you can see, the returns are somewhat less than they were a few short weeks ago. It's funny that I barely noticed the bottom dropping out of the 2009 Chrome Legends market. I guess I just need to pay more attention.
As disappointed as I am that I won't be retiring to the Virgin Islands with a small harem any time soon, I can still take pride in the fact that you can STILL get all of the other cards in the cereal boxes for free. Just get the box, sell off the Chrome, and keep the base cards for free! I plan on finishing the Turkey Red set that way (I'm a fool for Turkey Red). Oh, and, look at Sisler! Good for that dude! Holding strong at $8!
Now, I know there are those of you who are thinking that maybe Beckett lowered the prices in response to my first post. You are thinking of the great power wielded by The Achiever Card Blog!. But, alas, you would be mistaken. I am but a mere pimple on the Great Ass that is Beckett.
Mario, however. I do believe he may have the juice. I'm just saying. It makes you think doesn't it? Is Beckett now setting prices in response to Wax Heaven?
Wow, look at what YOU started! :)
But ... but ... but ... I already bought the yacht.
Do you think Walmart will take back 400 cereal boxes that have the "cello" removed? I'll be down in the left field corner seats tonight, section 175. Maybe someone will leave behind an extra Cliff Lee bobble.Do you suppose I could sell that and retire !?
Don't feel too bad... You made ME filthy rich!!! (Soon.)
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